DAI Ranked Top Firm Globally in Social Sector Consulting

September 18, 2017

DAI is the top-ranked firm globally in social sector consulting, according to the inaugural issue of WhoKnowsAbout, a “global competence ranking” of management consulting companies.

Analyzing the skills and experience of more than 500,000 individual consultants, the new rankings assess nearly 1,200 consulting companies in 15 industry and 15 topic areas. DAI was ranked as the top firm in Social Sector & Nonprofit consulting.

Who Knows About Website

“Until now, buyers of consulting services could only rely on the general reputation of consulting companies when sourcing a project team,” wrote WhoKnowsAbout co-founder Christopher McEwan in an article introducing the rankings. “The WhoKnowsAbout rankings allow buyers to identify the firms and individual consultants that have the specific expertise required, offering a much more reliable track to securing value through consulting projects.”

The rankings do not represent ongoing performance evaluation, McEwan told DAI in a follow-up interview, but there is the potential to incorporate client feedback as the product evolves. “Right now, we think of it as the basis for shortlisting,” he said. “Our fundamental intent was to create an information base through which clients can match consultants to their needs.”

For more on the rankings, visit WhoKnowsAbout.com.



DAI Leaders Address “Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood” Program in Baltimore, Md.

On August 15, DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard joined Joe Abah—DAI’s Country Director for Nigeria—in addressing a small group of young men and their parents as part of the “Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood” (MMTH) Program, a long-standing effort to provide young men in Baltimore with guidance and mentoring. The group gathered in the New Shiloh Family Life Center in West Baltimore.

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