DAI Global Health Joins with IntraHealth to Build Capacity of Local Partners in HIV Control

May 29, 2019

DAI Global Health is set to help implement the new Accelerating Support to Advance Local Partners (ASAP) project, a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) initiative to prepare Sub-Saharan organizations and governments to serve as prime partners for USAID and U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) programming.


Led by IntraHealth International, a DAI affiliate, ASAP is one of four new projects focused on ensuring that by 2020, 70 percent of PEPFAR funding is implemented through capable local partners. DAI Global Health will support the project in capacity building, project management, and the adaptation of tools and dashboards, building on our long record of success in improving the efficiency and efficacy of local organizations.

Other ASAP consortium members include Pact, the Foundation for Professional Development, Global Communities, and Ona Systems.

“Together our team offers a spectrum of technical expertise that will build the capacity of local partners to be USAID-ready to lead high-quality, PEPFAR-funded HIV/AIDS programs and services,” said Catherine Brokenshire-Scott, ASAP project director. “Working as a seamless team of consortium members, we will be data- and relationship-driven in our approach, adapting to local contexts as we implement capacity-development activities.”

IntraHealth and DAI Global Health announced in 2017 an affiliation to extend their reach and amplify their collective impact. “This latest collaboration showcases the combined strengths of our two organizations in institutional capacity building, digital acceleration, and disease control, among other areas,” said Chris LeGrand, President of DAI Global Health. “We’re looking forward to getting started on this important work.”

ASAP will focus on 23 PEPFAR long-term strategy support countries and 28 Strategic and Technical Alignment for Results (STAR) countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.



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