For the second time, DAI has been awarded a place on the Conflict, Stability, and Security Fund (CSSF) Framework by the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). This Framework runs through December 2020 with a possibility to extend by a further two years.
The CSSF was created to tackle fragility in conflict affected countries at the direction of the National Security Council (NSC). In 2016–2017, it delivered against two of the National Security Objectives outlined in the Strategic Defence and Security Review (2015). The CSSF also delivers against the UK Aid Strategy (where it contributes to three of four objectives for aid), and funds activity which complements core departmental work.
Combining multiyear activity with short-term interventions and access to crisis reserves, the CSSF has ensured the UK Government can move quickly to deliver on unanticipated interventions. The CSSF blends Official Development Assistance with other funding sources in one instrument.
The framework provides access to effective and cost-efficient services to help deliver UK Government objectives contained within the NSC strategies and to support UK Government’s work responding to crises, instability, and insecurity in fragile and conflict-affected states in an integrated manner.
The framework covers a broad range of thematic areas, including: