From November 18 to December 10, Making Cents International is hosting a webinar series—the 2030 Youth Economic Opportunities (YEO) Solution Sessions—to facilitate a vibrant set of virtual discussions on key youth employment issues through dialogue about pressing issues, practical tools, and evidence-based solutions.
As part of the YEO Solution Session Series, DAI is hosting a discussion with panelists from the U.S. Agency for International Development-funded Mitra Kunci Initiative that works to achieve a more inclusive Indonesian workforce.
In Indonesia, young people with disabilities face increasing challenges in accessing education and training opportunities as well as employment and entrepreneurship. Employers are often unwilling or reluctant to hire youth with disabilities, creating barriers to employment and workplace inclusion. The DAI-implemented USAID Mitra Kunci Initiative is working through multi-stakeholder partnerships in a pentahelix framework to improve the enabling environment for an inclusive workforce in Central and East Java.
In this webinar, local partners from the Indonesian government, private sector, nongovernmental groups, media, and civil society will share lessons and tools for leveling access to opportunities. Indonesian youth representatives will also share their personal experiences. Audience members will interact with the panelists to discuss scalable solutions to achieve SDG 8 for youth with disability populations.
Sri Setyaningsih
Chairperson of Boyolali Communication Forum for Persons with Disabilities
Dr. Kokok Adi Prayogo
S.Kep., Ns., MM., Head of Socio-Cultural Division, Bappeda Pasuruan District
Sulaiman Madi
Social and Environment Validation Manager, H&M Group Production Office Indonesia
Ika Ningtyas
Secretary General Alliance of Independent Journalist Indonesia
Rahmawati Wulan Prasetya
Youth Participant in Mitra Kunci
USAID Support for Employment and Economic Empowerment for People with Disabilities in the East Java Province.