Worldwide—Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate

Client: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

Duration: 2023-2025

Region: Worldwide


Solutions: Environment

The Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) is an international research centre that supports the development and uptake of effective solutions for conserving, managing, and using biodiversity to address the impacts of climate change.

GCBC works with partners to deliver research that supports evidence-based policy and practice in conserving, managing, and using biodiversity to tackle climate change.

GCBC will establish a global network of research institutions, experts and people to tackle critical research gaps in how the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can deliver climate adaptation and mitigation, and improve livelihoods. The Centre is a grant making entity aiming to fund research, evidence, networks, communication, and evidence into how sustainable use of biodiversity can help tackle climate change and poverty.


Sample Activities

  • Deliver research grants to institutions, universities and think tanks in the Global South to fill biodiversity research gaps
  • Disseminate evidence and research to support biodiversity programs and policy


Ethiopia—GCCA+/Climate Smart Mainstreaming into the Productive Safety Net Program (Climate-Smart PSNP)

The Climate-Smart PSNP project is enhancing the design and planning capacities of Ethiopia’s Public Works Coordination Unit and Food Security Coordination Directorate.

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