Study Released on Electricity Value Chain in Niger Delta

July 12, 2015

DAI, the Niger Delta Partnership Initiative (NDPI), and the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), have released an initial study of the electricity value chain in the Niger Delta.

The study, which took place from January to March, highlights challenges and opportunities in the power sector in the Niger Delta region. The study also validates the researchers’ initial assumptions for further analysis on potential distributed power solutions in locations that are not subject to the slow pace of reform and privatization associated with the on-grid portion of the power sector.

The in-depth data and analysis is intended for parties interested in power-related investments and developing local markets in the Niger Delta. The next phase of the study examines specific clusters in the Niger Delta and potentially economically viable models for power distribution for future investor interest.

The goals of the study are to inform future potential NDPI and PIND programming in the Niger Delta power sector through investigating, analyzing, and drawing conclusions about the sector’s fundamental dynamics in relation to the national grid and formal privatization, as well as off-grid solutions and self-generation.

Additionally, the study explores opportunities for new approaches, business models, or commercially viable investments that will improve electricity access and help establish a greater foundation for inclusive economic growth in the Niger Delta.

To read the entire report, click here. To read a summary, click here.



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