August 11, 2016
A high-level team from the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA), led by Ato Desta Bezabh Gebrehiwet, Deputy Director General and Head of Domestic Tax Department, and facilitated by the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)-funded Tax, Audit and Transparency (TAUT) programme led by DAI, visited revenue authorities in Rwanda and Tanzania during the past two weeks.
(Ato Desta Bezbah Deputy Director General of ERCA presents an Ethiopian tie to Richard Tusabe, Commissioner General, Rwanda Revenue Authority.)
The purpose of the trip was to conduct an in-depth study into these revenue authorities’ governance and management structures as well as to closely examine their experiences in conducting successful organisational and structural reforms.
“A key objective of the visit was to open and create strong linkages with counterparts in Rwanda and Tanzania to support further discussions and institutional cooperation,” said TAUT Chief of Party Kieran Holmes. “Excellent linkages were created at all levels.”
At the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), the ERCA team reviewed and exchanged experiences on:
At the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), the ERCA team reviewed and exchanged experiences on:
“The ERCA team is now working to produce a detailed visit report that will include the lessons learned and the changes we will make as a result of what we learned on this visit,” said Ato Desta.
DFID has a long history of supporting revenue administration in Africa and elsewhere, added Holmes. DFID has supported the RRA for more than 12 years and provided support, along with other donors, to TRA.
TAUT supports the Government of Ethiopia in progressively expanding the tax base and ensuring more effective tax administration. TAUT works to improve the business climate and public oversight and transparency across specific government agencies and the wider public sector.
DAI is pleased to announce the addition of two new senior team members to our U.K. office: Kate Wilson Hargreaves, Director of Climate and Environment, and Joe Phillips, Head of Trade and Investment.
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