June 04, 2018
Universal electricity access requires an investment of $52 billion per year. In many parts of the world electrification is most realistically and efficiently provided with mini-grids. This money will need to come from the private sector as it swamps donors and governments’ resources. But investors will not invest unless they see return.
Join DAI on June 14 at 10 a.m. EST for an online discussion about what is necessary for successful mini-electricity grid business models. Register here for the streamed panel.
Gwen Andersen, DAI
Gwen is a Principal Clean Energy Practice Specialist for DAI. She has managed renewable energy projects, designed new institutional means of sustainable rural electrification, developed guidelines for retrofitting diesel gensets with renewable energy technologies, and taught policy, finance, and institutional aspects of renewable energy. DAI develops clean energy solutions that meet local power needs, have community buy-in, and bring co-benefits that lead to responsible, sustainable economic development.
Dr. Peter Lilienthal, HOMER, CEO
Peter is the CEO of HOMER Energy. Since 1993, he has been the developer of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s HOMER hybrid power optimization software, which has been used by more than 190,000 energy practitioners in 193 countries. NREL has licensed HOMER Energy to be the sole worldwide commercialization licensee to distribute and enhance the HOMER model. Peter was the Senior Economist with International Programs at NREL from 1990 to 2007. He was the lead analyst and one of the creators of NREL’s Village Power Programs. He has been active in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1978.His expertise is in the economic and financial analysis of renewable and micro-grid projects.
Dr. Pepukaye Bardouille, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Senior Operations Officer
Pep is a Senior Energy Specialist with the IFC, where she leads projects related to energy access, focusing on developing and helping to scale up innovative, commercially viable business models to extend electricity to the base of the pyramid. Based in Johannesburg, Pep’s current focus is mini-grid market development in Tanzania, Zambia, and Togo. She has contributed several forward-thinking pieces on energy access, including “From Gap to Opportunity: Business Models for Scaling Up Energy Access”; “How a New Breed of Distributed Energy Services Companies can reach 500mm Energy-poor Customers within a Decade”; and “Strange Beasts: Making Sense of PAYG Solar Business Models.”
Gabriel Davies, CrossBoundary, Head of Energy Access
Gabriel leads CrossBoundary’s energy access work. Based in Nairobi, he is currently standing-up and managing two initiatives focused on mini-grids: 1) a Mini-Grid Innovation Lab for Africa, a dedicated research and development fund for testing business model prototypes on mini-grids, and 2) a project financing facility for mini-grids in Africa. Gabriel has written about the off-grid sector in Africa for the Financial Times, This is Africa, the Brookings Institution, Quartz, and Greentech Media.
Jette Findsen has joined DAI as Vice President, Environment. At DAI, she will oversee a portfolio of projects and lead DAI’s strategy for climate change programs with the U.S. Government.
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