DAI CEO Jim Boomgard Named to Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid

February 05, 2014

DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard has been appointed to serve a two-year term on the United States’ Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid (ACVFA). The committee consists of leaders in the international development community who advise the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other U.S. Government agencies on development policy.

“I am honored by this appointment,” said Dr. Boomgard, who was also recently named chair of the Council of International Development Companies. “I look forward to working with the administration and the other members of ACVFA to help advance USAID’s critical development mission.”

ACVFA was established after World War II to serve as a link between the U.S. Government and private voluntary organizations active in humanitarian assistance and development work overseas. Comprising up to 30 citizens with extensive knowledge of international development, ACVFA helps provide the underpinning for cooperation between the public and private sectors in U.S. foreign assistance programs.

“A strong and effective partnership between USAID and the external development community is vital for achieving our development and humanitarian goals and for informing the American people of the importance of this work,” wrote USAID Administrator Raj Shah, in the formal invitation to Dr. Boomgard.



DAI Leaders Address “Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood” Program in Baltimore, Md.

On August 15, DAI President and CEO Jim Boomgard joined Joe Abah—DAI’s Country Director for Nigeria—in addressing a small group of young men and their parents as part of the “Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood” (MMTH) Program, a long-standing effort to provide young men in Baltimore with guidance and mentoring. The group gathered in the New Shiloh Family Life Center in West Baltimore.

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