DAI CEO James Boomgard Issues Statement on U.S. Consulate Attack in Libya

September 12, 2012

DAI President and CEO Dr. James Boomgard, currently in Libya, today issued the following statement from Tripoli:

“Libyans have made enormous progress over the past months as they have begun the long, hard process of building a new country. The violence in Benghazi that took the life of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and other Consulate staff is the work of a tiny minority of Libyans intent on derailing the country’s commitment to positive change. We cannot allow last night’s event to diminish support for constructive progress in Libya.”



DAI Re-Appraised at Maturity Level 3 by CMMI Institute

DAI is delighted to announce that an internal unit has been appraised again at CMMI Maturity Level 3, after achieving the same appraisal in 2019.

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