Sustainable Business

Helping companies put sustainability at the core of their operations and become leaders in responsible business.


Our Team

Multicultural, multilingual, and multidisciplinary to the core—global in outlook and approach—DAI’s technical leaders are steeped in the challenges of delivering development solutions in the field. They are committed to sharing our innovation and experience to inform international development practices worldwide.

Sara manages the grants portfolio for the Mastercard Strive USA Program

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Nicolas is a Senior Manager with DAI’s Sustainable Business Group.

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Mark Pedersen is a Senior Principal Specialist in DAI’s Sustainable Business Group where he leads communications on the Mastercard Strive USA project

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Araba Sapara-Grant is a Manager with DAI’s Sustainable Business Group.

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Victoria Brown is a Senior Director for Programs and Implementation with DAI’s Sustainable Business Group, leading our work on the Mastercard Strive USA program.

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Louise Flynn leads DAI Sustainable Business Group’s (SBG) health, safety, security, and environment programs globally.

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Natasha Gaskin-Peters is an economist with experience in both micro- and macroeconomics with DAI’s Sustainable Business Group.

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Patrick Henry leads DAI’s Sustainable Business Group

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As Senior Director of Delivery and Operations for DAI’s Sustainable Business Group, Amy Wilson-Lee oversees the delivery of a varied portfolio of projects

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Barbara Habib is a Senior Manager for DAI’s Sustainable Business Group and Project Director for its Enterprise Development Center in Mozambique.

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Belem Saucedo collaborates on projects with financial institutions to strengthen small business ecosystems in developing countries.

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Olga Kent is an international development professional with a background in finance and accounting.

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DAI History: 40 Years of Excellence

DAI was founded in 1970 by three graduates of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government intent on providing a more dynamic and effective brand of development assistance. See how DAI is turning this American success story, into a global one.

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