Zobaidul Haque Khan is a medical doctor turned epidemiologist with 39 years of professional experience, including more than 21 years in the public health sector. His area of expertise includes epidemiology, communicable disease surveillance, immunization, polio eradication and measles elimination, health system strengthening, project planning and management, emergency preparedness, emergency health response, and international health regulations.

Previously, Zobaid worked with the World Health Organization for 18 years as an international professional in Bangladesh, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, and Korea. Before switching to public health in 1997, he worked as a general physician in Bangladesh and Iran for 16 years.



Emil Agustiono

Dr. Emil Agustiono is a medical doctor and clinical epidemiologist with more than 30 years of experience working at the national, provincial, and district level in Indonesia on issues ranging from pandemic preparedness and response to disaster planning to antimicrobial resistance and food safety.

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