Nepal—Nutrition Collaborative Research Support Program

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2010-2013

Region: Asia and the Pacific

Country: Nepal

Solutions: Global Health

Preparing food for children ages 6-24 months takes a lot of mothers’ time, which is often limited by other responsibilities. In low-income neighborhoods of Kathmandu, Nepal, there is a minimal supply of, but high demand for, processed, affordable, and nutritious weaning foods that incorporate multiple food groups.

Tufts University, DAI, and Right Direction Nepal assisted a Kathmandu-based cottage industry that produces foods that complement breastfeeding. The goal: help this cottage industry to produce processed (quick and easy) weaning food for infants and toddlers at higher quality and nutrition, higher volume, and lower cost.

Select Results

  • Assisted the cottage industry in auditing its production, packaging, and distribution systems.
  • Trained firms in business planning.
  • Improved the development of processed, fortified complementary foods.
  • Conducted market analysis of complementary foods in the Kathmandu area.


Indonesia—Fleming Fund

DAI’s Fleming Fund programme in Indonesia is a collaboration with the Indonesian government to strengthen systems using a “One Health” approach—a multisectoral approach to complex health problems that reaches across human health, animal health, and environment sectors.

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