Chris Flower is a Principal Manager in the U.K.-based Evidence, Learning, and Technical Assistance Facilities Team. His focus is on building the capacity of governments around the world to implement more effective and inclusive social protection and socio-ecological policy and programming. Chris combines expertise in managing large, complex, multi-year programs and portfolios with in-depth technical capability, stakeholder influencing, and strategic understanding.

Chris currently provides technical and management support under the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Social Protection Technical Assistance, Advice, and Resources (STAAR) Facility, including managing the multi-donor Perekhid Technical Assistance Facility in Ukraine.

Previously, Chris was Technical Advisor, Senior Programme Manager, and Acting Team Leader on the FCDO- and Irish Aid-funded Expanding Social Protection Programme in Uganda and the lead author of a National Social Protection Strategy for Sudan. He was also the Political Economy Lead for the U.K.’s Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs’ scoping of its 2022-27 International Climate Finance investments–focusing on deforestation, decentralization, and Indigenous rights in Brazil’s Legal Amazon.

Chris is trained in political economy analysis and lived for a year with the Afar people of Ethiopia.



Virtuous Igbodika

Virtuous Igbodika manages the delivery of project portfolio in DAI’s office in Nigeria.

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