Ukraine—USAID Revenue and Expenditure Governance Reforms Operationalized (RevGRO)

Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2024-2029

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Country: Ukraine

Solutions: Governance

Ukraine is facing a protracted war of attrition, which has turned into a war for resources. Nearly all of the Government’s domestic resources are absorbed by the war. At this juncture, it is critical to increase revenue mobilization and support more efficient and transparent management of expenditures so that the Government can continue to deliver critical services to its citizens while maintaining the war effort and rebuilding the country.

The USAID Revenue and Expenditure Governance Reforms Operationalized (RevGRO) Activity works with the Government of Ukraine, Ukrainian civil society, and the private sector to promote fiscal resilience, transparency, and accountability by enhancing state revenue generation and financial management.

RevGRO.pngPhoto: Ivan Ponomarenko.

Sample Activities

  • Increase national revenue mobilization through support to tax and customs policy, administration, and institutional reforms.
  • Strengthen public investment management, expenditure management, and audits in line with international standards.
  • Enhance civic oversight and private sector engagement in fiscal policy.


Ukraine—Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity)

The Promoting Integrity in the Public Sector Activity (Pro-Integrity) program addresses the root causes of corruption and tackles corruption risks at the national institutional level, at the local government level, and in issues related to Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction

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