DAI Poised to Support USAID’s NextGen Health Supply Chain Programming

January 08, 2024

DAI is pleased to announce that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded DAI a place on its Global Health Comprehensive Technical Assistance for Health Supply Chain and Pharmaceutical Management (Comprehensive TA) contract, a competitive contracting mechanism designed to ensure that USAID partner countries have sustainable access to safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable health commodities.

Zambia.jpgPhoto: USAID Zambia.

An indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract, the Comprehensive TA IDIQ is part of the Agency’s broader Next Generation Global Health Supply Chain Suite of Programs (NextGen).

“We are thrilled to be among USAID’s NextGen partners in the critical work of health supply chain strengthening,” said Sarah Helmstadter, Senior Vice President of DAI’s U.S. Government Business. “This opportunity builds on our experience supporting USAID to strengthen local stewardship, accountability, and innovation across health supply chains. Our consortium brings together a wide range of expertise providing technical assistance to ensure medicines, health products, and related commodities reach patients through efficient and effective local systems, with the ultimate goal of improving health outcomes.”

Over the next 10 years, USAID’s implementing partners on the Comprehensive TA program will work with host-country counterparts to:

  • Strengthen local supply chain systems to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality health commodities, through public and private sector channels, in ways that encourage the long-term sustainability of those supply chains;
  • Increase the availability of quality-assured, essential health commodities, through improved supply chain performance; and
  • Improve pharmaceutical management systems, including the development of high-quality pharmaceutical services and well-functioning regulatory systems.

DAI’s consortium for the Comprehensive TA IDIQ consists of major subcontractor Crown Agents and nine other distinguished partners: ClickMedix; Crowley Government Services; Dalberg Consulting U.S.; EnCompass; Freight in Time; Medication Outcomes Center, School of Pharmacy and the Institute of Global Health Sciences, University of California San Francisco; Axia Institute at Michigan State University; Pamela Steele Associates; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Carolina Population Center; and VillageReach.

For more on DAI’s supply chain solutions, click here.



DAI Global Health Event Showcases the USAID P&R Legacy: Governments Better Equipped to Control Infectious Disease

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched its Preparedness and Response P&R project five years ago to help select countries tackle deadly infectious diseases. In part because six in 10 infectious diseases in humans are spread from animals, P&R brought together country leaders in the human, animal, and environmental health sectors. Together, they built national One Health platforms to prepare, detect, and respond to disease outbreaks using a multisectoral approach.

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